School Admissions
Parents wishing to look around school ,either with Reception in mind or in terms of in-year admissions can organise a viewing by phoning the school office on 01829 781296.
Children born between September 2016 and 31st August 2020 are due to start school in September 2024.
Admissions for places are through the local authority, Cheshire West and Chester. Click on the following link to access the website:
Cheshire West and Chester's booklet on school admissions will also provide you with information. Click the link below to access the website:
Starting School, Applying for Primary School Places
Policy for Cheshire West and Chester is that children within our catchment area will receive priority on places. However, parents are able to express a preference for our school even if we are not necessarily closest to them.
If our school is oversubscribed, the priorities for admissions are as follows:
- Pupils living within the school's catchment area.
- Pupils with brothers and sisters in the school.
- Pupils for whom personal/domestic circumstances presented by parents justify, in the Authority’s view, admission to a particular school.
- Pupils living nearest to the school.
In year admissions are now managed by the school.
We may have places available in current year groups. Please phone the office to discuss availability or to arrange an appointment. Additionally you can contact us via email through or