Statutory Information
This page provides links to the pages of our website and documents that we are required to provide as statutory information on our website.
Please click on the links to find what you are looking for.
- Contact details
- Admission arrangements
- School Uniform
- Ofsted Report
- School performance including KS2 Results
- School Opening Hours
- School curriculum
- Remote Education
- Behaviour policy and Anti-Bullying Policy
- Pupil Premium allocation and recovery premium (NA due to numbers)
- PE and Sports Premium Statement
- Equality Objectives
- SEND policy
- Complaints Policy
- Charging and remissions policy
- School's ethos and values
- Financial Information and Reports
- Goverance
Requests for school to provide a paper copy of the information available on our school website can be made to the school office: or 01270 841302
CDAT – Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
The Chester Diocesan Academies Trust website includes the annual reports, accounts, trustee's information and duties, ethos and values.