Reception Curriculum

In Acorns class, the Reception aged children follow the foundation stage curriculum. They are encouraged to explore though our indoor and outdoor classrooms and across the three prime areas and four specific areas of learning. This prepares them for the learning journey ahead of them in later years- it is the fundamental building blocks for learning. 

We use the Development Matters and EYFS Framework documents to inform our planning to design excting learning opportunities for the children through play and adult-led activities.

A key part of this learning is in the social and emotional areas of development. It is vital for our children to develop independence and be happy and confident in the school environment in order for them to be ready to learn. We also encourage the children to develop happy, supportive and positive relationships with their peers. We provide a rich, play based curriculum in which the adults facilitate the learning of the pupils through positive interaction.


Windhill21 - EYFS Curriculum Overview

The children learn the fundamental skills of literacy and mathematics that allow them to access the curriculum fully.

Early mathematical knowledge is an essential foundation stone of every child’s educational journey. Following the White Rose Maths scheme the children use lively and colourful early years maths resources to explore mathematics in engaging and inspiring ways. This encourages development of the core maths skills that make up the early years curriculum. 

We employ the Literacy Tree scheme to embed Early Years foundation stage curriculum coverage and to engage children to write with clear audience and purpose. We also ensure the children are provided with many opportunites to explore reading, mark-making and writing when accessing our continuous provision.